Visual Note Posters, Photos, & Digital Illustrations


At the end of your live event you will have the opportunity to take the poster art - that have created so much fun and interest - back to your place of business. These large posters (illustrated on your choice of rollable multi-media paper or foam core boards) can be shipped by UPS or FedEx and then hung or placed within your office.

Having your poster art out in a public place keeps the conversation going and your event topic alive!

As an alternative to shipping back the images drawn onsite, you have a couple of choices. You can receive both digital photos and digital illustrations of your Visual Notes.

Digital Photos

After completing each day’s illustration your Bright Ink illustrator will take high-resolution photos of the poster art. These photos are slightly retouched and then sent to you within approximately seven business days of the closing of your event.

Sometimes due to low lighting within a venue hall we have been disappointed that the post event photos don’t accurately represent the aesthetics of the art we have created onsite. (True whites often show as yellow or shadowed in the photos, as you can see on the left below, not representing the original posters).

While colors and lighting can be improved in photoshop, the photos still don’t quite match the beauty of the originally illustrated boards.

Because of this, we started exploring digital illustrations as a service offering. Creating digital illustrations of the original posters resolves the color and shadow problems in the photos and opens up new opportunities to create even more fantastic visuals!

Digital Illustrations

As compliment to our normal services, Bright Ink now offers fully redrawn digital images of your poster art! We start with the visual notes that we created on site and we take the aesthetics and event branding one step further.

For every day of of visual note taking, we provide up to three re-drawn digital illustrations.

As you can see from left (on-site photo) to right (digital illustration), the same visual components are included, but the “whites” are brighter and the ”colors” are more rich.

Digital illustrations are wonderful for printing, sharing, and swag. See some post-event and pre-event image use ideas here.

Contact us to find out how we can help support your event with visual notes!

Special thanks to Kevin M. Yates, the L&D Detective, LTEN, and Colas for allowing us to share their images and/or likenesses.