Our Services Include...



Graphic Recording / Visual Note Taking

Graphic Recording, also called Visual Note Taking, is large-scale visual note taking that we do in real time at your event, conference, presentation, or product pitch.

We translate your ideas in a fun and engaging way that everyone will understand and remember. These colorful and intricate designs increase comprehension, and can be used during or after a meeting for discussion or for ongoing training and development. Illustrations can follow provided design standards and branding.

We can illustrate one to ten quality posters in a full day. Impromptu and interactive fast sketch illustrations can be completed quickly, detailed and complex illustrations such as landscapes take more time.

In either case, pre-event coordination on the event agenda and general poster layout coordination can greatly benefit the outcome of the posters.

The posters art evolves organically with the conversations and presentations in real time. The poster art continues to evolve through the day and even after we return back to the studio.

As well as providing you with your onsite poster art boards or multi-media paper, Bright Ink also provide digital photos and digital illustrations. See examples of onsite work and digitally enhanced works here.

Visual Notes can be completed on-site with special marker pens and paper, or remotely creating digital illustrations. See prices here.

Event and training illustrations can be used in a variety of ways to engage your attendees. Illustration can be created before or after your event. Look at the many ways your event and learning images can be used here.

Graphic Facilitation

Graphic Facilitation, is a live illustration process of visual note taking, but where we lead or co-lead a presentation or discussion concurrent to illustrating.

Imagine your strategic plan, Inputs-Outputs, KPIs, marketing strategy, product launch narrative, or story narrative coming to life visually as you and your team are led through a facilitated conversation. This is the power of graphic facilitation!

We coordinate with you on the structure, content, and outcomes of the meeting prior to the event and design a custom event itinerary, exercises, and materials.

Illustrations are used to guide the discussion, prompt ideas, and capture key points. 

The key difference of Graphic Facilitation from Graphic Recording is that in facilitated sessions we directly interacting with participants, leading or co-leading the discussion and group activities.

This service can be delivered on-site or remotely. See prices here.


Studio Illustrations

Created in our visual studio, we design and illustrate custom visual templates, learning worksheets, large-scale special occasion cards, that each enhance your message and create more opportunities for participation and impact.

These can be pre-planned Graphic Notes - such as illustrations of your new business strategy, an articulation of a discussion topic, or visualization of training materials.

If there's anything you'd like to visualize, in any format you've seen,  just let us know and we can most likely do it.

GREAT FOR: Custom Marketing, Training & Development, Project Launches, or Special Occasion Messages.

See prices here.


Styles of Illustration

During a live recording or facilitation we can create...


Landscape Illustrations

We create custom landscape illustrations to tell the story of your business, visualize a strategy, map service/production lines, or illustrate the steps your customers move through in engaging with your company. We can discuss your own vision of the illustration and we can incorporate images, themes, and ideas you've got in mind.

GREAT FOR: Internal Change Management, Group Analysis, or External Marketing


Visual ideations

We help visualize ideas, talks, missions, or culture using metaphors, lettering, and imagery in our Visual Notes. This lets viewers see how concepts develop and relate, resulting in concepts being more meaningful and engaging to your team or audience. We can incorporate any branding colors, themes, or images which you wish to highlight.

GREAT FOR: Conferences, Team Discussions, Internal Change Management, or Group Analysis

Comic Art

Visual Notes created in comic art style. We create comic art images to tell your story or capture your event content.

GREAT FOR: Story Telling, Team Discussions, or External Marketing

See our Sample Works page for more examples of what we do.

Contact Us


Service Area & Hours

We have local artists in Chicago, New York, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Nashville, Tampa, Austin, Houston, San Diego, and San Francisco and are willing to travel anywhere for delivery. Pick a spot and we will be there.


Monday – Friday: 9AM – 7PM
Saturday: 10AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed